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10 Most Bizzare Foods on Turbo Protein Diet Menu

Turbo Protein Diet

  • If you want to stick to the Turbo Protein diet, you must drink a beverage made from vegetable broth, soy milk, and honey enzymes and nothing else for two weeks
  • There are other ways to increase your protein intake, including eating venison, pumpkin seeds, and mushrooms
  • Many Japanese high protein diet recipes are also a good choice, including Natto served with soy sauce

The Turbo Protein diet may not be the best health choice because it requires two weeks of subsisting on roughly 400 calories a day (a dangerously low amount), but the required Almased drink provides some good ideas about how to start adding more protein in your diet. Plus, there are a few other bizarre methods for bringing lots of healthy protein into your regular menu.

10. Vegetable Broth

This is one of parts of the Almased drink required as part of the Turbo Protein diet. You may not have thought about adding vegetable broth to your diet as a source of protein but the company behind the drink swears by it.

9. Soy Milk

While not necessary bizarre, this second ingredient of the Almased beverage mixture is definitely an excellent source of protein, especially for vegans and those who are lactose intolerant. The protein levels are fairly high without the high fat content of regular milk, too.

8. Honey Enzymes

This is the third ingredient of the drink mix used on the Turbo Protein diet. Honey is a great but often underappreciated source of natural protein. Even vegans can consume honey because it is a product created by the bees and harvesting it does not cause any harm to the insects themselves. Try to find the least processed honey possible.

7. Shiitake Mushrooms

If you’re trying to boost your protein but you don’t want to add a lot of red meat to your diet, shiitake mushrooms are a surprisingly good source of this nutrient. They have about 10% of the protein you need in a day but they are also great sources of fiber and iron. You can use them in a variety of different high protein diet recipes.

6. Pumpkin Seeds

Another easy way to add some protein to your diet, along with some healthy fats, is to throw some pumpkin seeds on a salad or eat a handful for a snack. One-fourth cup of the seeds has almost 20% of all the protein you need in a day. That’s pretty impressive for a few seeds.

5. Venison

If you’re looking for a relatively healthy alternative to beef or pork in your high protein diet recipes, venison is a good choice. A four ounce serving of this meat (which comes from deer) contains less than 2 grams of saturated fat and less than 200 calories. However, it also contains more than 60% of the protein you need in your diet. Venison is also a good source of B12 and iron.

4. Soy Sauce

While soy sauce may not contain anywhere near as much protein as venison, it can be an easy way to add a little extra protein to your meal. A few dashes can add lots of flavor and a little more than 5% of the protein you need in your diet. It’s also lower in calories than many other sauces and condiments.

3. Tempeh

This vegan-friendly protein source has a nutty flavor and is capable of absorbing other flavors through the cooking process. One serving contains about 40% of the protein you need in a healthy diet while also offering other needed nutrients. It makes an excellent meat substitute in almost any high protein diet recipes.

2. Amaranth

This miracle grain isn’t really a grain at all, but its true classification is still a matter of debate. It does look like a grain and can be cooked like a grain. However, it is a complete protein meaning it contains all of the necessary amino acids your body needs. Most grains are not. One-fourth cup contains seven grams of protein.

1. Natto

Some of the most unusual high protein foods tend to come from the East, including this food from Japan. Natto is a type of preserved soybean that has a slimy texture when eaten plain. Most people prefer to combine it with rice and some soy sauce. The smell isn’t wonderful either but the soybeans are an amazing source of protein.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.