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Powerful Natural Diuretic Foods for Water Retention

Foods that are diuretics are generally those that increase urine flow and help rid your body of excess fluids. You may eat various natural diuretic foods for water retention, but keep in mind that along with the fluids you may also be flushing out important minerals and vitamins. Sometimes you need to take supplements if you are taking in a lot of diuretic foods. For now though, we will focus on foods that are diuretics and tell you what they are.

Powerful Natural Diuretic Foods For Water Retention

– Cranberry juice is one of the best natural diuretic foods for fluid retention; studies show cranberries have beneficial effects for both the kidneys and the liver.
– Green tea is a diuretic that has been used in China for many generations. It is both a diuretic and contains antioxidant properties. Due to the increase in popularity, many companies have added green tea as part of their drink selections.
– Apple cider vinegar has diuretic properties and keeps your levels stabilized. You can add it to salad dressings.
– Dandelion a great example of foods that are diuretics. Dandelion leaf tea is popular and can be found at many health food stores in organic form.
– Nettle has been shown to stimulate the kidneys. Nettle is a plant, used throughout the ages and it should be taken as a supplement, as the natural form contains small hairs on the plant that can irritate the skin.
Fennel has diuretic and carminative properties. It is very aromatic and has been a food additive and seasoning. 
Cucumbers and watermelons are great diuretics, mainly because they consist primarily of water. They help flush out toxins through increased urination.
Asparagus can be considered a diuretic, as it contains a chemical alkaloid called asparigine, which improves the body’s waste removal by boosting kidney performance.
Beets are great diuretics as they flush out fatty deposits and floating body fats.
Brussels Sprouts are a wonderful example of foods that are diuretics, as they help to cleanse cells by stimulating the pancreas and kidneys.
Oats are another good example, as they contain a silica, which is a natural diuretic.
Carrots are not only a rich source of beta-carotene that increases the body’s metabolism, but it also speeds up the process of fat and waste removal from the body.
Cabbage is a diuretic; it helps break down fatty deposits, particularly in the abdominal area.
Lettuce helps flush toxins from your body and aids better metabolism.
Radishes, raw onions, and horseradish serve as diuretics and help increase your metabolism. They contain antioxidant properties as well as vitamins and minerals that in digestion.
Tomatoes aid metabolism. Rich in Vitamin C, they help the kidneys get rid of waste by releasing a lot of water.
Ginger and juniper also have diuretic properties, and can be taken as supplements.

Besides consuming various diuretics, you can also manage your water retention by doing some of the following:

Reduce your sodium intake, i.e. salty foods. Don’t add more salt to your foods, especially when eating out.
Drink lots of water, at least 8 glasses every day.
Try elevating your feet for a few minutes every day – this should help, particularly if you suffer from water retention in your feet.
Exercise regularly, as it generally lightens your body weight and helps with water retention.

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The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.