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What Is Ketosis and Atkin Diet Plan?

What Is Ketosis

  • Ketosis is a mode that your body can go into where fat is constantly being burned as energy.
  • If you cut back on carbohydrates, you force your body to use stored fat as energy instead, which causes you to lose weight.
  • The Atkins Diet, in essence the state of ketosis, works because it makes your body work for the energy needed instead of supplying an easier energy form carbohydrates

What is ketosis, and how does it work with regard to the Atkins diet?

Ketosis is a mode that your body can go into where fat is constantly being burned as energy. Ketosis and ketoacidosis are not the same. Ketoacidosis is a medical condition where the body develops dangerously high levels of ketones and can lead a diabetic coma. Ketosis is simply your body burning fat for energy without affecting lean muscle. This can lead to a faster and more effective solution to weight loss.

Normally, most of the tissues in your body prefer to use carbohydrates as an energy source because carbohydrates can quickly be broken down into the energy your body needs. If you cut back on carbohydrates, you force your body to use stored fat as energy instead, which causes you to lose weight. The areas on your body that seem to store fat, such as the hips, thighs, buttocks, and upper arms, will usually shrink when your body goes into ketosis because the fat stored in these areas will be broken down and used for energy.

Some experts say that the state of ketosis is dangerous because more ketones are present in your body and urine when you are in ketosis. Ketones are water-soluble compounds produced as by-products when fatty acids are broken down for energy. Many of these molecules cannot be used by your body and are eliminated as part of the waste removal process.

Some people worry that a large increase in ketones in your urine may cause your kidneys to work harder and create problems. Many ketones are used by your body and various organs, but the excess is flushed out. Acetone, however, is a ketone that your body cannot use and so it is discarded.

Some doctors and nutritionists say that if too many ketones are present in your urine your body is not getting enough glucose, and they worry about medical problems occurring. There is no evidence to support this. Ketosis is a natural metabolic state that is normally not harmful unless there is an underlying medical condition that would require a large amount of carbohydrates in the diet. Some proteins can even be broken down to make glucose by your body, and a high- diet is not good for your health. The Atkins Diet is one of the most popular diets out there, using a system of low carbohydrates and high protein for weight loss. This diet is specifically designed to cause ketosis.

The Atkins Diet, in essence the state of ketosis, works because it makes your body work for the energy needed instead of supplying an easier energy form carbohydrates. As long as you are eating 100g or more of carbohydrates per day, your body has no reason to tap into its fat stores. A low carbohydrate diet is one that consists of less than 100g of carbohydrates per day. Some of these diets will actually recommend no more than 50g of carbohydrates each day.

Since it was first introduced, the Atkins Diet has gained popularity because it works. By forcing your body to burn fat and providing enough protein for metabolic processes, you can lose weight and see a difference in a short period time. Ketosis is not a harmful state, simply a metabolic state that your body enters where fat is burned for energy. This is done by eating a diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.