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Top Penny Stock Picks of the Day

Strat Petroleum Ltd. (PINK:SPRL)

This stock leaped from $0.0005 to $0.0018 on Thursday, and for Friday so far it climbed further to $0.003, but has now pulled back and is holding steady at the $0.002 mark. This is a big day for the company, which has seen very little movement and has held steady at around $0.0005 since the end of 2006 after a sharp fall that year.

The corporate mission of this company is to increase the value of its assets by purchasing oil and gas licenses in areas where the reserves have already been proven. This company also invests directly or through joint ventures in the fields themselves.

The company plans to implement an aggressive strategy of acquisitions and sales, and to find the best method of financing for each opportunity so as to obtain the maximum and fastest returns on the investment.

Although this company has been criticized in the past for its management practices, experts consider that the company is now in good hands and that good things could now happen for it after years of stagnation.

Premiere Publishing Group, Inc. (OTC:PPBL)

On Thursday this stock climbed from $0.0275 to $0.0300. For Friday so far it has jumped to $0.035.

In a recent PR from the company, it announced that it intends to increase shareholder value by spinning off its Bold Acquisition Corp. subsidiary. Chris Giardano, the Chairman of the Group, said that in the second quarter the company expects to file an S-1 registration statement.

Premiere Publishing Group, Inc. was originally a magazine publishing company. This ended in 2007, and now the Company’s operations consist of identifying and completing business combinations with operating companies. In August of last year, the company purchased Bold TV Corporation. The company will now use the stand-alone equity of Bold Acquisition Corp. to finance opportunities in the future.

NutraCea (PINK:NTRZ)

Thursday saw a steady climb of this penny stock from $0.0325 to $0.0350, and today so far this stock has continued to impress and is now holding steady at $0.004. This stock has been a winner for investors since it took off in October of last year. Big gains were made in November and January, and February looks set to be a great month for the company too.

There was uncertainty about the company in the New Year as it was under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission. However, on 18 January, the company settled with the commission and this lingering doubt was dealt with once and for all.

NutraCea processes and distributes rice bran and other such innovations including rice bran solubles, rice bran oils, and private products. These products are all sold globally. The objective of the company today is to deliver these ingredients and derivatives to a wider global marketplace. The company’s rice bran product is set to become a world leading ingredient for food manufacturers, petfood and nutraceuticals.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.