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Role of Healthy Fat in Metabolic Process

  • Healthy, unsaturated fats, are healthy. Saturated fats should be avoided.
  • Unsaturated fats are needed to maintain healthy cells and a well-working metabolism.
  • Fats are always in the news, and most of this coverage focuses on bad fats and the harmful effects they can have. Fats are actually essential and necessary for metabolism, but only one type of fats called healthy fats.

    Fats provide energy the body needs, offering more than twice the energy that proteins and carbohydrates do, with nine calories per gram for fat versus four calories per gram for protein and carbohydrates.

    Fats are also needed to maintain healthy cells. The cell membrane requires healthy fats to stay healthy and strong. The cell can not do its job and function properly if the cell membrane is missing these fats. Healthy fats are needed by for such functions as creating hormones, using vitamins, cushioning organs and internal structures and producing myelin, which makes sure nerve impulses are sent and received.

    Fat is needed for metabolism as well, but the types of fat consumed are important to consider. Fat can be grouped into three main categories: saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats.

    Saturated fats tend to clog up arteries.

    Unsaturated fats, or healthy fats, are needed for the body to function properly. Unsaturated fats remain liquid at room temperature, flowing through your bloodstream easily without creating blockage. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and can stick together in the bloodstream and create blockage in arteries.

    Healthy fats are also called fatty acids, which are the building blocks for fat. There are around 20 different essential fatty acids. Most of these are made by the body, but there are two that need to be obtained through food, called linoleic and linolenic. Because these two fatty acids are so important, they are also called essential fatty acids.

    Healthy fats play an important role in metabolism. Metabolism consists of the methods and processes used to break down and build up bodily tissues. This process occurs continuously. Healthy fats provide energy needed for metabolic processes to function correctly.

    Catabolism is one part of metabolism. This process breaks down molecules and other complex units into the basic building blocks while storing excess energy.

    is the process of metabolism that is responsible for growth and repair. The energy stored by catabolism is used in the anabolism process when building up tissues like muscles and tendons.

    Healthy fats are needed to provide energy, but also as building blocks for organs like the brain and skin. If enough healthy fats are not consumed, certain symptoms and medical problems may arise. Without sufficient unsaturated fats, the brain and other organs can be affected. The fats found in fish, nuts and various seeds are all healthy and beneficial to the body. It’s important to watch the types of fats you consume. Unsaturated, or healthy fats, are needed while saturated fats should be avoided.

    The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.