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Interesting Apple Nutrition Facts

Apple Nutrition Facts

  • Apple nutrition facts might be even better than you thought
  • An apple is one seriously nutritious food, providing, for one, powerful antioxidants that promote better health on a variety of levels
  • Healthy nutrition starts with an apple a day

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Here’s a few reasons why are so good for you, and should be a part of your daily diet:
• There is archaeological evidence to show that humans have been eating apples since 6500 BC.
• Apples come in a wide range of sizes. Some are only slightly larger than a cherry while the larger varieties can grow to be the size of a grapefruit.
• Apples vary in taste almost as much as grapes. Apples can have an aftertaste of citrus, pears, cinnamon, strawberries, coconut, cloves, pineapple or grapes.
• On average, apple contains more antioxidants, which can help to prevent cancer, than a large 1,500 mg dose of vitamin C. They also contain a combination of phytochemicals which are thought to assist antioxidant activity and anti cancer activity. Antioxidants fight the activities of particles known as free radicals which can cause damage to cells. Free radicals are thought to be a contributory factor to the development of conditions such as some forms of cancer. They are also thought to contribute to the aging process.
• As well as being full of goodness, apples contain no sodium, no fat and no cholesterol.
• Apples contain phytonutrients which are antioxidants and help to combat the effects of bad LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is bad cholesterol, and preventing the effects of it will help prevent heart disease.
• Apples contain a substance called pectin, which is a soluble fiber that helps with the digestive process.
• Your daily apple contains the same amount of dietary fiber as a bowl of breakfast bran cereal.
• Apples contain complex carbohydrates which give you a more sustained energy boost than foods that are highly processed, or foods that are high in sugar.
• Research has shown that people who eat an apple a day tend to breathe more easily because of the positive effects that the nutrients within apples have on lung function.
• Apples can be yellow, green, red or a combination of theses colors. Apples can also change color in a similar way to metal rusting. The flesh of the apple reacts with oxygen and will eventually turn brown after prolonged exposure to the air.
• Apples can rust. The flesh of the apple contains a chemical that reacts with oxygen just like metal does and it will turn brown when exposed to the air. However, if you store apples carefully at a cool temperature, they will remain fresh for about a year. Apples tend to ripen 6 to 10 times faster if they are left at room temperature than if they were stored in a refrigerator. The best temperature to store apples at is between 35 and 40 degrees Celsius with a relative humidity of between 80 and 90%.
• Apples contain an essential trace element called boron. Boron helps with bone density and can therefore help to prevent or to decrease the effects of osteoporosis.
Everyone know apples are good for you, and now you know why! Make sure you incorporate an apple into your daily diet, and you will reap the health benefits.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.