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Benefits of Vitamin E in Your Daily Diet

  • Vitamin E includes 8 different fat-soluble vitamins and is believed to have significant antioxidant properties
  • It may also prevent certain and could work in preventing heart disease thanks to its blood thinning effect
  • Some food rich in vitamin E: green vegetables, nuts, seeds, vegetable oil

Vitamin E actually includes 8 related different fat-soluble vitamins, although the body normally seeks out alpha-tocopherol as its version of choice.

Vitamin E is believed to have significant anti-oxidant properties. It is claimed that Vitamin E reacts with lipids and so reduces free radicals, preventing oxidization. A healthy intake of Vitamin E may help to prevent certain types of cancer, particularly prostate cancer and breast cancer. Vitamin E also appears to have significant antioxidant benefits for the skin when applied directly, reducing scarring and preventing damage to the skin from pollutants.

Vitamin E also has important functions in nerve health and preventing anemia, and its role in healthy blood and circulation is well studied. Current research is investigating whether the blood thinning effect of Vitamin E may be beneficial in reducing the impact of cholesterol, and in preventing heart disease. If you need any more persuading of the importance of vitamin E for long term health, recent studies have shown that Vitamin E is very effective in preventing glaucoma.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin E for the average adult is 15mg/day. Whilst the number of adults not getting enough Vitamin E isn’t clear and is believed to be low, people on low fat diets are more likely to not be getting enough Vitamin E, because the most common dietary source of Vitamin E is vegetable oils. If you are currently on a low fat diet, you should seriously consider supplementing your Vitamin E intake.

Some foods are rich in Vitamin E. Nuts and seeds are good sources (especially almonds) but green vegetables like asparagus and spinach are rich sources too. Avocado, and vegetable oils like canola, corn oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oil are rich in vitamin E, and not only olive oil but olives themselves can provide you with this essential vitamin. But if you are limiting your use of vegetable oils and other oily foods, you probably need to take a Vitamin E supplement.

It is possible to get too much Vitamin E, but negative effects of Vitamin E are not normally caused by intakes less than a substantial 1000mg/day, so you can take most supplements without concern. Large doses of Vitamin E have been associated with blood thinning, so if you are already taking aspirin or other blood thinning medications, or have any clotting disorders, you should speak to your doctor before taking any Vitamin E supplements.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Benefits of Vitamin E in Your Daily Diet”

  1. 1
    Richard Nielsen Says:
    I've tried Plavix and Effient after a stent was put into my coronary artery but cannot tolerate either one but would like to try Vitamin E and other natural substances to thin my blood and preserve my stent . Can you make any suggestion of where I might find helpful information ?
  2. 2
    Liz Says:
    I eat a lot of products with Vitamin E in it as well as use a lot of body products with it. It's one of the best natural things out there for your skin.