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7 Hidden Dangers Associated with Bronchospasm Symptoms

  • A bronchospasm is an episode where the bronchi in the body retract resulting in the airway being restricted. Bronchospasm symptoms range from coughing, wheezing, and tightness in the chest
  • Bronchospasm treatment comes in the form of prescription drugs, inhalers and preventative measures
  • There are two types of bronchospasms; a paradoxical bronchospasm and acute bronchospasm. The main reason suffer from bronchospasms is a result of bronchial asthma
  • A person suffering from bronchospasm symptoms should see a physician as there are hidden dangers that can lead to or be a sign of greater health problems. Below we discuss 7 different dangers of bronchospasm symptoms

1. Bronchial Asthma

A person who suffers from paradoxical bronchospasms or acute bronchospasms should be checked to see if they suffer from bronchial asthma. Bronchial asthma is the main trigger that causes bronchospasms and if left untreated can lead to permanent lung damage and even death.

2. Food allergies

People who suffer from acute bronchospasm or paradoxical bronchospasm may have severe allergies to food items. If bronchospasm symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing keep occurring after meals then it may be a sign of an allergic reaction to food.

3. Pollen allergies

When someone who suffers from allergies such as pollen is exposed to that substance the respiratory system and lungs form antibodies that are supposed to defend the body. Because they are allergic to the substance the body overreacts and produces antibodies that can harm the person causing an acute bronchospasm or a paradoxical bronchospasm.

4. Pet allergies

Pet dander is another allergy in humans that can cause bronchospasm symptoms. Again, when a person is exposed to the allergic substance the body overreacts and causes bronchospasm symptoms. When allergies are involved the best bronchospasm treatment is simple avoidance of the allergic substance. Pets should be removed from the home while the house and all items in it should be thoroughly cleaned so the dander is removed. Couches and beds should be given special attention.

5. Upper respiratory infection

Acute bronchospasm symptoms and paradoxical bronchospasm symptoms can also be a sign of greater health risks such as upper respiratory infections, bronchial asthma, and potential lung disorders. If bonchospasm symptoms linger a physician should be sought out immediately.

6. Medicinal allergies

Medicinal allergies are often the cause of a paradoxical bronchospasm. A paradoxical bronchospasm occurs when an individual takes some medication intended to ease bronchospasm symptoms there is a substance that the person is allergic to that causes bronchospasm symptoms.

7. Exercise

Exercise is a very common trigger that brings about bronchospasm symptoms. When wheezing, difficulty breathing, and coughing occur during and after exercise it is often because there is a lung disorder, bronchial asthma or bronchitis. If a person still desires to exercise pre-treatment of the lungs is often advised so that the symptoms are minimized.

Acute bronchospasm or paradoxical bronchospasm episodes are always a signal of a root cause which should be investigated thoroughly. If these symptoms are ignored they worsen and can lead to permanent lung damage and even death.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.