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4 Rules For a Cholecystitis Diet

Cholecystitis is the inflammation of the gallbladder. Proper functioning of the gallbladder is important for digestion because the gallbladder collects bile which aids in digestion. After consuming food, the gallbladder releases bile to promote digestion. Gallstones are the major of Cholecystitis but otherr causes include injury and infection. Some of the symptoms include nausea, fever and tenderness on the right abdomen. Following these rules are essential on a Cholecystitis diet.

Top 10 Foods In Cholecystitis Diet

1. Avoid Fatty Foods

Cholecystitis sufferers need to remember that the breakdown of fats during digestion is difficult because the bile cannot get to the stomach. Cholecystitis patients are often recommended to avoid saturated fats. Make sure to avoid red meat, eggs, chocolate and fried foods. It also important to not eat spicy foods that irritate the digestive tract and to avoid coffee and soda. Some foods that you should eat that are easy to digest and essential to a Cholecystitis diet include yogurt, rice, bread, pasta and other simple foods that are easily digestible. Make sure to eat plenty of fiber as fiber has been shown to lower the risk of gallstones.

2. Avoid Alcohol

People suffering from Cholecystitis should definitely avoid alcohol. Regular use of alcohol increases the chances of getting gallstones. Not only can alcohol increase the chance of gallstones but it can also slow recovery from sugery.

3.Eat Less, Eat Regularly

This may sound like a contradiction but it is hard on your liver to go hours without eating. Likewise it is also not good to overeat, thereby overloading your digestive tract. Make sure you eat five to six small meals a day and eat breakfast right when you wake up. Your body will need the food after the seven to eight hour hiatus. Furthermore, eating less more frequently will help keep your weight under control which lowers your chances for future gallbladder problems. In between meals try snacking on fruits and vegetables as they provide many essential nutrients and have been shown to prevent gallstones.

4. Take Your Supplements

While its is best to get your nutrients from whole foods, supplementing your diet with some important vitamins, minerals and probiotics is important to ensure you are getting all your daily requirements and those vitamins that specifically address your condition. Digestive enzymes, Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex and probiotics like Acidophilus are important. Digestive enzymes will ease digestion while Acidophilus is a live bacteria that will regulate your digestive tract. Vitamin C, on the other hand, has been shown to break down cholesterol in bile and Vitamin C deficiency has been associated with gallstones.

Following these rules will help you recover and prevent Cholecystitis. Make sure to consult a doctor especially if you experience any of the symptoms listed above. Cholecystitis is a serious matter and should be addressed immediately.

For more information on Cholecytitis and additional foods for a Cholecystitis diet click here.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “4 Rules For a Cholecystitis Diet”

  1. 1
    Angie Says:
    You mention that taking supplements, vitamins, and probiotics is important. My question here is the quantities – how much of each is safe to take, and how do you balance them all out?