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3 More Ways Supplement Companies are Killing You

In the previous article we covered 3 ways supplement companies are killing you with their products. Here are three more.

3 More Ways Supplement Companies are Killing You

1) Uncleanly Facilities
Believe it or not many manufacturers rarely get inspected by the department and despite warning continue to make products in uncleanly facilities. Protein blenders are cleaned properly, rodents infest the raw materials, you name and I am sure it has happened. These facilities pose a seriously health risk to consumers. While the government has increased regulation, there is still a long way to go.

2) Dangerous Ingredients

When the FDA banned ephedra in 2004, many energy drink and weight loss companies had to find a new powerful alternative. Now products contain yohimbe and large doses of caffeine in its various forms to compensate for ephedra. These products are often more dangerous now than they were before ephedra was made illegal. When a particular compound is banned in the pro-hormone market, another alternative chemical compound is manufactured. Regulation has not made the consumer safer. It just forced manufacturers to come up with new more dangerous formulas by any means necessary.

3) Poor Ingredient Quality
With the price of raw materials increasing and the disposable income of most consumers decreasing supplement companies are forced to operate on tighter margins. Instead of charging more for their products, supplement manufacturers cut corners to keep their prices stable. Most raw materials are imported from China and are never inspected. Furthermore, especially in the protein market, more filler will be used to cut the protein content but keep the same amount of powder in the jug.

Supplements should be regulated by the FDA just like any other food product. Until this is taken seriously, supplements will continue to be a serious health risk.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.