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The Miracle of Honey and the Bees that Make It

Throughout the ages, honey and beeswax have been used for many purposes, including healing properties. Science has taken a new look at some of the folklore uses of honey with added interest, and it seems that our ancestors were correct in their use of honey and the marvelous ingenuity of the bees.


Honey bees are some of the miracles of nature. Their collection process not only allows them to food from the flower pollens, but pollinates the world’s plants. Without the honey bees, our plants would not grow and the world could not survive. The bees are an integral process of nature and their eternal and efficient process allows us to thrive.

Honey has a natural antibacterial property and has been used by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Mayans. While the content of honey is mostly sugars, reaped from the bounty of the flower nectar, it also contains beta-carotene, vitamin A, magnesium, B-vitamins, phosphorous, sulfur, iron, chlorine, calcium, iodine, potassium, copper, sodium and magnesium. The antioxidant qualities equates to the color richness, therefore, the darker the honey the higher quality of vitamin content. While honey has shown improved performance for athletes over other types of sugars, it has a lower glycemic index. A major word of warning: do not given honey to children under the age of one, as there are some bacterias that can be harmful.

Honey has been used in cosmetics as it contains the same minerals and vitamins that act as a wonderful emollient. The humectants properties allows moisture to be drawn in and it is fantastic as a base for masks, soaps, shampoos, rinses and lip balms. A bit of honey in the bath as well as using it to massage the face and scalp, brings rejuvenation. Bee pollen has been used as a high protein base as it is an excellent source of nutrients. Beeswax is used in candles as well as an historic use in paints and colors.

Source: http://allnaturalbeauty.us/ani13.htm

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