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Homeopathic remedies for bee stings – man subjects himself to dozens of bee stings to test their effectiveness.

The pain adverse William Brantley recently hooked up with a beekeeper with the aim of testing the effectiveness of various homeopathic remedies on bee stings. He let the bees delibrately sting him again and again and conduted a scientific experiment with the help of the following home remedies: onion, tobacco, honey, vinegar/baking soda, toothpaste and ice. The very personal nature of this experiment is what makes the results so special. They are not just hearsay based on reading and third party accounts.

After completing the painful experiment, William listed the home remedies in order from worst till best. At the bottom came onion – a slice of raw white onion rubbed into the sting. This homeopathic remedy was so bad that it made his symptoms worse (and of course he tried it twice just to make sure!).

The second worse out of all the home remedies was tobacco, which is apparently even endorsed by the medical establishment. As he said, it seemed like a great home remedy as it was likely to be available at most times, as often people get stung in events such as outdoor BBQ’s. However, the dampened tobacco had no effect whatsoever.

Next was honey, and he categorized that as ‘not bad’. Honey has traditionally been a favorite for anything and everything. Unfortunately, this homeopathic remedy did not have the miraculous effects that he had hoped for, although it did cool and alleviate the symptoms for half an hour.

So he got himself stung once again and this time he used a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. The symptoms remained for the first 20 minutes but then began to subside fast. As William said, an hour later the symptoms had gone down significantly, and they stayed that way for the next few hours.

Home remedy number five was toothpaste. Apparently, a doctor told him that the glycerin found in toothpaste dries out the venom that produces the sting. The toothpaste alievated the symptons in just a few minutes and kept them down for over five hours.
One sting later and he found out that ice was the best remedy. A 20-minute application of ice completly reduced the symptoms almost straight away and kept them away for half the day. Ice cools the skin and numbs the pain. In addition, it slows the flow of blood to the cold area, which in turn reduces the swelling.

So the conclusion of this crazy experiment was that ice and toothpaste are the best homeopathic remedies for bee stings. Im glad that William did this fantastic experiment as it saved me from doing it!

More information on this experiment can be found at slate.com

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Homeopathic remedies for bee stings – man subjects himself to dozens of bee stings to test their effectiveness.”

  1. 1
    Ryan Says:
    What a crazy guy! I can't believe he actually let bees sting him on purpose to test what works best. But my thanks goes out to him, because I will now be trying ice and toothpaste on my daughter's sting! Anyone else know of other remedies (that really work)?