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Causes of Increased Levels of Triglycerides

Triglycerides are the chemical form which the majority of fats take in the body and in food. Triglycerides are also present in blood plasma and form lipids in association with cholesterol.

Increased Levels of Triglycerides

Triglycerides that are found in plasma are taken from fats derived from foods. They are also produced within the body from other sources of energy such as carbohydrates. The calories that you ingest in a meal that are not used straight away by tissues, are converted into triglycerides. These triglycerides are then transported to fat cells and stored. Triglycerides are released from fat tissues in order to meet the body’s energy requirement between meals. This release is regulated by hormones.

An excess of triglycerides in plasma is known as hypertriglyceridemia. In some patients, hypertriglyceridemia is linked to coronary artery disease. High triglycerides levels may be caused by a number of factors, including:

1. Weight Gain and Foods That Are High in Fat

Triglyceride levels increase as your body weight increases. Excess calories, especially those derived from alcohol or sugar are causes of increased levels of triglycerides. Alcohol consumption tends to increase the liver’s production of triglycerides. It also tends to reduce the amount of fat that can be cleared from your blood. Foods that are high in fat also increase your triglycerides. Examples include red meat and dairy products.

2. Age

As age increases, the levels of triglycerides in your body also tend to steadily increase.

3. Medication

Certain drugs, for example steroids, birth control pills and tend to cause levels of triglycerides to rise.

4. Illness

There are some illnesses and medical conditions which are associated with high levels of triglycerides, for example, hypothyroidism, diabetes, lever disease and kidney disease.

5. Inherited

High triglycerides levels may be a hereditary condition.

How Do You Lower Triglycerides?

One of the biggest factors in elevated levels of triglycerides is the consumption of food that is high in fat. A healthy diet that is based on lean sources of protein, complex carbohydrates and rich in fresh fruit and vegetables may help to lower triglycerides levels. Try to eat fish which is high in omega-3 fatty acids rather than red meat which is high in saturated fat such as a burger. Fatty fish like trout, mackerel, sardines, herring and salmon are all rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

A program of regular exercise will also help. Try to get 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity activity, at least five days per week. For example, take a brisk walk at lunch time.

Triglycerides may also be lowered by lowering levels of cholesterol. Lowering cholesterol may be achieved through diet and exercise, and may also be assisted by medication and/or dietary supplements. As the body loses weight, stored fat reduces. Fat is removed from fat cells and moves into the blood before being removed from the body.

You can also lower triglycerides by reducing your alcohol consumption. Even when alcohol is taken in moderation, it can lead to sizeable changes to triglyceride levels in plasma.

Also try to substitute saturated fats for polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that can be found in olive oil, canola oil liquid margarine.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

4 Responses to “Causes of Increased Levels of Triglycerides”

  1. 1
    Total Garbage Says:
    Cut out sugars. Fructose is the major source of triglycerides. Sugar is 50% to 55% fructose. Don't worry about consuming cholestrol or saturated fats. These are actually your friends. Fruit in moderation.
  2. 2
    Total Garbage Says:
    Sure, but they won't affect his trigs. Trigs are created either by excessive carbon consumption or foods our bodies can't process by other means. Fructose can't be used by our bodies directly, so they get transformed into trigs by the liver. Watch "Sugar The Bitter Truth" on yoo toob. Any food can be converted to trigs if you eat too much. The trick is not eating too much. The whole point of carb reduced diets is they avoid insulin dumps which drives food into fat and leaves our "active" cells hungry. Fructose also kills our leptin response, so we never get satiated. Avoid sugar. It kills!
  3. 3
    howaida Says:
    hello could my 14 year old son take fish oil and alo vera? thank you
  4. 4
    Edwin Says:
    Lifestyle change is the key to lower a person's triglycerides levels: * Get rid of excess weight - focus on the benefits of losing weight such as, added energy and improved health * Reduce your calorie intake * Limit your carbohydrates * Limit your cholesterol - Avoid egg yolks and milk products * Avoid Trans fat - They are found in fried foods, cookies and cakes * Avoid alcoholic drinks * Exercise often - Take a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day Drinking aloe vera gel combined with taking a daily dose of fish oil capsules help reduce triglycerides levels.