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7 Things You Need to Know about Skin Care for Men

  • Diet has a great deal to do with the skin’s appearance. Cut out junk foods and try acne skin care to reduce breakouts and promote healthy-looking skin
  • Consider sensitive skin care when buying any skin care products by avoiding those containing harsh chemicals and ingredients that may irritate your skin. All-natural skin care is usually the safest way to go for sensitive skin
  • Sun damaged skin, if left untreated and unkempt, can significantly and often harshly affect the appearance of your skin. Avoid this problem by using sun protection lotions to block harmful UV rays
  • Men produce more oil than women because they often have bigger pores. For healthy-looking skin, it’s important to find a skin moisturizer that both allows the skin to retain moister and prevents excess oil secretion

Mens Skin Care

Before you run out and buy the first aftershave lotion that you can, there are quite a few things that you will need to know about men skin care and what products you should purchase. Skin care is no longer just a woman’s world. Skin care for men has been an extremely popular in the recent years, especially with the introduction of the metro-sexual man. Now, men skin care does not have to be left to the metro-sexual man, there is absolutely nothing wrong with any man looking good for his spouse and many aftershave lotion products can be the very first step!

Skin Care for Men Tip #1

So the first thing that you should know about men skin care is that a man usually has bigger pores than a woman. Yes guys, that means that your skin is much oilier than woman’s skin, about 20 percent oilier actually, so that takes some serious aftershave lotion or other men skin care products to cut the grease!

Skin Care for Men Tip #2

The second thing on our list of things you need to know about skin care for men is that you need to know your skin. Skin is definitely the biggest organ we have and many men simply have no idea how to take care of it! Your diet for instance, has a lot to do with what your skin will look like. If you eat a lot of junk, your skin will look like junk, so cut it out and eat some fresh veggies!

Skin Care for Men Tip #3

Number three on our list of ten things you should know about skin care for men is that most skincare creams are made out of harsh and sometimes chemical ingredients. This can irritate your flesh rather than make it better, so be sure that you are looking for something that is all natural and not filled with all of that chemical junk.

Skin Care for Men Tip #4

To go right along with number three, number four on our list is making sure that you get yourself a lotion that includes some sun protection. The sun can be extremely hard on your skin, so you want to make sure that your aftershave lotion includes some UV protection!

Skin Care for Men Tip #5

Number five on our list of ten is going to be finding a skincare cleanser that not only matches your skin type, but also has a good scrub to it. Deodorant soaps are not suitable for your face, but you do want to find something that will clear up all that oil in your pores and make sure it is all natural!

Skin Care for Men Tip #6

Finding the perfect moisturizer is definitely a hard task for woman, but for men? It is ten times harder, but if you are honestly looking to improve your skin, you are going to have to find yourself a moisturizer that will keep your skin from being oily yet keeps it fresh looking. That tip is number six on our list!

Skin Care for Men Tip #7

While you may think that many beauty routines that women perform each and every day to keep their skin fresh and clean are stupid, keeping a toner next to your cleanser is a great idea. Men are usually outside more than women and you are not getting any younger! So number seven on our list is tone it up boys and you will look younger every day!

All of the tips are there, boys, you just need to use them!

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

3 Responses to “7 Things You Need to Know about Skin Care for Men”

  1. 1
    usd6 Says:
    Read your article I knew there were so many about Haha, before I only know what not to eat more irritating, thank you!
  2. 2
    reddy Says:
    Happiness is the best cosmetic.
  3. 3
    terry Says:
    This is a great article and all men should read it. I never guessed that my wife's facial cleanser was just as good for my skin.