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4 Tips for Preventing the Spreading of Germs and Viruses

It is estimated that the annual financial loss sustained by the U.S. economy due to sick days and workers’ compensation hovers around half a trillion dollars. But in today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to lose sight of the ramifications that can come along from a common illness like a flu or cold. Children and parents are often contracting viruses and, due to their hectic lifestyles, failing to take the precautions necessary to prevent those germs from spreading. A few simple steps can be the difference between living a healthy and productive lifestyle or suffering for two weeks with a raging flu. Here are the best precautions to adhere to:


1. Wash your hands. While we may not always be conscious of it, humans touch a couple dozen surfaces every half hour or so, and when a family member living in the same household is sick, odds are that one or more of those surfaces can be covered in their germs. is the best defense against those germs, and it should also be done by the sick person themselves, in order to prevent their own germs from spreading. If the sick person is confined to a bed, disinfecting hand lotion works well as an alternative.

2. Disinfect the house. Cleaning agents like Lysol are shown to kill viruses and bacteria, and can be used to wipe down surfaces that may have been handled by the sick family member, such as doorknobs, light switches, tables, and bathrooms. If there are places that the sick person has likely touched numerous times, target those spots. Some people have a disinfecting routine anyway, but when someone in the house is sick, it is a good idea to disinfect with more frequency.

3. Dinner time: Don’t share or prepare. Food is not only passed around at dinner time. It also makes its way directly into the body of all those around the sick person. Thus, if it can be avoided, the sharing of meals should be restricted. Additionally, any parents who are sick can prevent spreading their germs by refraining from the preparation of food for their children or spouse.

4. Hygiene and disposing of tissues: Making sure used tissues are thrown out is a great way to keep germs from spreading to unwanted parts of the house. Also, bathroom cleanliness and personal hygiene are important. Keeping yourself and the rooms around you clean will eliminate germs and prevent them from being picked up by a healthy family member.

Source: http://www.webmd.com/parenting/d2n-stopping-germs-12/stopping-germs?page=1

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.