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Top 10 Reasons to Choose Photofacial Procedure

  • explanation
  • Difference between Photofacial, IPL, Microabrasion & peels
  • Top 10 reasons to choose Photofacial procedure, including photofacial results

In our society’s continued search for eternal youth and perfection, we introduce Photofacial rejunenation. Photofacial is a high tech, gentle, non-invasive treatment using intense pulsed light (IPL). Unlike standard IPL, Photofacial procedure involves equipment that reaches deeper into the skin layers to address problem such as: fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, acne scars, persistent red complexion and other skin problems. This is a different technology level than thestandard microabrasive process or peels; as it focuses on a deeper layer therapy. There are an incredible amount of benefits that the Photofacial rejuvenation process addresses. So why are so many people heading to their doctors to make their appointments? Here are the top 10 reasons to choose Photofacial procedure:

Photofacial Procedure

1) Almost immediate gratification:
The Photofacial results are seen within the first day or so. In our immediate gratification society, this blends well in with hectic schedules. The best results are within a two week time period, dependant upon the particular skin problem you are addressing.

2} Doctor’s office or Photofacial Clinic
The Photofacial procedure can be easily done in the doctor’s office or clinic office. No need for any hospital visit or overnight stay. Appointments can be scheduled around your available time.

3} Short procedure time
Each Photofacial procedure is from 15-30 minutes. This fits with the busy lifestyle of today. The number of sessions will depend on your individual condition.

4} No need to miss work
The Photofacial procedure is fast and you can return to work or play when the session is complete. There may be a slight reddening of the treated area.

5} Resolves a multitude of problems
Photofacial results can be seen with all types of skin problems: broken capillaries, sun and smoke damage, veins, mild acne scars, enlarged pores, dull complexions, uneven pigmentation, pigmented freckles and age spots, red flushing skin, rosacea and redness, liver spots, fine lines and wrinkles.

6} A whole new you
The Photofacial rejuvenation procedure can address those skin problems that you have been so conscious of. You look better and feel better about yourself. Studies have shown that when your self-esteem rises so does your overall health.

7} No pain – No pain
Only about 10% of the patients express any kind of lightly negative sensation. Light discomfort may be reduced by having a topical anesthetic applied 60 minutes before the procedure.

8} Only a touch up every 2-4 months
Once you have achieved the look that you want, you can maintain the new you glow with a single maintenance session once every 2 to 4 months.

9} Photofacial results anywhere on your skin
Anywhere that you have skin or skin problems is a good candidate for Photofacial rejuvenation. Most start out with any facial problems and when they see the results, they begin on neck and chest.

10} Return to your normal skin regiment
There are no extra creams, ointments or processes involved with the Photofacial procedure. Within a day you should be able to return to the normal skin care that you use.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Top 10 Reasons to Choose Photofacial Procedure”

  1. 1
    Kiki Says:
    Wow, well this sounds almost too good to be true. No, really... So, what's the catch? There must be some kind of downside to this treatment. Maybe some side effects. Are there any?
  2. 2
    Kiki Says:
    Wow, well this sounds almost too good to be true. No, really... So, what's the catch? There must be some kind of downside to this treatment. Maybe some side effects. Are there any?