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The Secrets of Chinese Longevity

Chinese Longevity

  • Chinese medicine is becoming more and more popular in the West.
  • Regular, daily exercise is an integral part of Chinese culture and provides a lot more than a means to burn off excess calories.
  • The secret of Chinese longevity and anti aging is daily participation in healthy and fun exercise activities.

The Chinese have been developing knowledge on medicine, extending longevity and maintaining health for well over 2,000 years. The Chinese longevity symbol is well known for symbolizing health, wealth, love, virute and longevity. Chinese medicine and medical methods have been documented in medical manuals and ancient manuscripts and have been passed down through the generations. Chinese medicine is becoming more and more popular in the West where it is being adopted as a multi-faceted system of health care that can be personalized for each individual.

Life expectancy in China remains high despite significant disadvantages. China pays a heavy price for its quickly developing economy and industry in terms of pollution and other environmental factors. Food standards and lag behind those adopted by Western governments and poverty is still widespread despite wealth and employment increasing in China. Government health care expenditure in China is also very low, perhaps reflected in the high rate of infant mortality, particularly in the rural areas. Despite these factors, life expectancy in busy and overcrowded cities continues to be high. Life expectancy in the city of Beijing is 80 years old whilst life expectancy in Hong Kong is over 82 years old.

If you walk through the streets of a Chinese city, you will find clues to the secret of Chinese longevity. It seems wherever you go, Chinese people are engaged in some form of exercise. They practice tai chi, take part in aerobics and play games. You might even see some ballroom dancing in the open air in the evening. Regular, daily exercise is an integral part of Chinese culture and provides a lot more than a means to burn off excess calories. It is also an important form of social interaction that is not only fun, but also keeps people involved in the community. This means that all ages within the community remain involved in fun and healthy activities. The elderly remain active and do not become isolated.

Taking regular exercise is an extremely important factor in leading a healthy life and in improving longevity. It is also easily integrated into almost any lifestyle, even where people are struggling against poor health. Even those with a debilitating illness such as osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis or arthritis that might make some forms of exercise very difficult indeed, can take part can take in mild forms of activity that might improve health, and may also help to alleviate some of the symptoms of their illness.

People who are tired or those who suffer pain regularly, or stiffness and fatigue, are far more likely to lower their activity levels and this can lead to a swift decline. If no exercise is taken, the lack of activity is likely to lead to higher levels of lethargy. As use declines, muscle tone and strength also reduces, as can bone density. These factors in turn are also likely to increase stiffness and pain and will increase the aging process rather than reduce it.

Exercise such as running can be strenuous and hard on the joints. Look to take part in low impact exercise such as walking or swimming. Also, exercise such as tai chi will help with muscle tone, flexibility and bone density. It also helps with breathing and relaxation. Regular participation in tai chi, or yoga could add years to your life, and provide you with improved health and well being.

Taking part in tai chi may lower your blood pressure and will stimulate your central nervous system. It also helps to improve the function of your digestive system. Equally importantly, it will keep you involved in a group based activity that is fun and healthy.

The secret of Chinese longevity and anti aging is daily participation in healthy and fun exercise activities. In the West we tend to dip in and out of health regimes – diets and exercise programs. Take a leaf out of the Chinese book – exercise that is woven into your daily life will bring you long term physical and psychological advantages that will add up to a longer, healthier life.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “The Secrets of Chinese Longevity”

  1. 1
    Ginny Says:
    Also take a look at the foods the Chinese eat and how they cook it. They steam a lot of their vegetables and they are definitely getting all of the vitamins and minerals from them on a daily basis that most Westerners are lucky to get all year.