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Role of Retinoids in Cosmeceutical Skin Care


  • Along with alpha hydroxy acid and beta hydroxy acid, retinoids are among the most popular ingredients in cosmeceuticals today
  • Retinoids are a naturally produced form of the skin care vitamin A, and when combined with other skin care products they can provide for a powerful anti aging skin care treatment
  • Retinoids can also help with anti wrinkle skin care because their skin tightening abilities in helping with the production of collagen fibers
  • Another beneficial effect of retinoids is that they can improve blood circulation and even aid in the creation of new blood vessels

The market for skin care has become a very complicated business. With competition in the market at an all time high, health and beauty manufacturers are looking for every edge in the market that will increase their profits. Because these companies are looking for that edge, considerable research has been conducted into the mechanics of skin care and makeup. The marriage between cosmetics and pharmaceuticals has created a new type of beauty product called cosmeceuticals. Cosmeceuticals take standard makeup or skin conditioners and add natural vitamin compounds to create a dual skin care process.

Retinoids are the most popular cosmeceutical ingredients today. Along with alpha and beta hydroxy acids, retinoids are the most used ingredients in traditional makeup.

Retinoids are a form of vitamin A. They are produced naturally by the body and have extensive skin care applications. When combined with other skin care products they form a powerful anti-aging and moisturizing team that promote healthier and younger looking skin. They are also thought to aid in the production of collagen, which plumps the skin and gives the face a more filled out and less wrinkled appearance. Another effect retinoids seem to have is to increase blood circulation to the face by enlarging blood vessels, and even helping new blood vessels to form.

Retinoids work by penetrating the outer skin epidermis layer and strengthening the skin on a cellular level. Because healthier cells are better able to reduce the effects of free radicals, they help to reduce and even repair wrinkling. They have also been known to smooth rough parts of the skin and reduce the effects of photoaging. Photoaging is the name for the toll your skin takes from a lifetime of exposure to the sun.

Some retinoid forms have long been used to treat persistent acne and have a long track record of being effective. It was through the use of retinoids in treating acne that it was discovered that they also have a beneficial effect on other aspects of skin care.

Cosmeceuticals are becoming more and more popular today and they provide the convenience of combining two previously separate skin care techniques. With the elaborate regimen that many use today, it is great to have any product that will not only improve your skin’s appearance but help with the overall health of your skin.

Cosmeceutical skin care products that contain retinoids are probably the most effective and beneficial combination available in a skin care product today. There are many up sides to this development with very few down sides. Some minor side effects have been reported, particularly with regard to sensitive skin, but these cases are rare. However, the use of retinoids is known to increase sensitivity to light, therefore it is more important than ever to use a strong sunscreen when using cosmeceuticals that include retinoids for skin care. When you take these common sense steps along with your use of cosmeceuticals you are better equipped than ever to protect and beautify your skin.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Role of Retinoids in Cosmeceutical Skin Care”

  1. 1
    Janelle Says:
    Are there any side effects to these "cosmoceuticals" besides the sensitivity to light that you talk about? I'm a bit wary of using such products, so I need to know if my fears are at all justified.