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Removing the Probiotic/Antibiotic Combination Myths

The benefits of probiotics has branched out from the solely natural and homeopathic advisement to mainstream medicine. It’s not uncommon for your major medical provider to counsel you to ensure that you are taking probiotics as part of your daily regiment. However, there has been new information that has been spread both under the guise of data and as myth, on the topic of potential harm in combining probiotics with any medication that is under the antibiotics class of drug.


The first thing you need to be aware of is how antibiotics work in the body. As a drug, they cannot target a specific body area to remove bad bacteria; instead they are totally systemic and are designed to remove both the bad bacteria that may be causing an illness, and the good bacteria that are needed, in the entire body system. When taking antibiotics, you may experience a relief of the original illness or medical problem, but with the removal of the good bacteria, other symptoms may arise. Another important area to note is that we have relied so heavily on antibiotics for a variety of disorders, that the bacteria is fighting back. In other words, we are now seeing antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria that are becoming more difficult (if not impossible) to be rid of.

The body contains good bacteria as flora in the intestines that keep the body in balance. When taking antibiotics, the removal of the flora allows a patient to be susceptible to other medical conditions, such as diarrhea, bladder and yeast infections. Probiotics can be found in many of the foods that we consume: unfermented and fermented milk, yogurt, some juices and soy. For those that prefer non-food distribution, there are a variety of quality probiotic supplements that can be taken in capsule, pill or compounded forms. Always consult with your primary medical care giver before making any changes to your medical regiment. Each of the major probiotic types has a specific job in the body. Lactobacillus resides in the vaginal area and intestines and is involved in the production of lactase, vitamin K and other anti-microbial substances like acidolphilin, acidolin, bateriocin and lacticidin. Those with weakened immune systems should avoid taking Lactobacillus as it can cause other medical issues involving intestinal bacteria. The addition of Lactobacillus can replenish the flora and assist in the body with anti-inflammatory properties.

Bifidobacterium is another beneficial probiotic that seems to be more beneficial for those that experience allergic conditions to other probiotics. It contains certain anti-allergy properties. Research has been done to show that it also contains anti-cholesterol properties and has immune boosting abilities. Many people use this probiotic to assist with problems and symptoms experienced with and irritable bowel syndrome.
The streotococcus thermophilus probiotic is often used in combination with the above mentioned two to maximize the benefit of reintroduction of the good bacteria into the intestinal tract. This is found naturally in mozzarella cheese and yogurt and used by many that experience irritable bowel syndrome and travelers’ diarrhea.

Following guidelines provided by your medical provider and, with the understanding of your body and reactions, you can add probiotics while taking antibiotics.

Sources: http://www.ehow.com/how_5665889_probiotics-during-antibiotic-treatment.html

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

4 Responses to “Removing the Probiotic/Antibiotic Combination Myths”

  1. 1
    Hippie4Ever Says:
    This is so true. I think it was a conspiracy by the drug companies, telling us we have to take meds and we can't take probiotics. Just another way for them to control us and keep us buying prescriptions.
  2. 2
    EcoMinded Says:
    If you know anything about antibiotics (and your doctor should tell you), they kill off just about everything in the body. We don't have targeted antibiotics (yet). Probiotics may have started out as one of the things we should be taking, but it makes sense when you are on antibiotics. Believe it or not, some bacterial is healthy and we need to replace those that are destroyed by the antibiotics.
  3. 3
    NotJustAMom Says:
    No matter what the professionals tell us, we are left to do the research ourselves. This is just a common sense thing. Search the net, find a credible website and then find a few more. I combine traditional medicine with holistic to get well rounded news.
  4. 4
    Davida Says:
    I went to my vitamin store and they absolutely told me to add probiotics when I was fighting a cold and had to take antibiotics. I went to my drug store (a chain) and they told me that it wouldn't be a good idea. When will everyone get the message straight?