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Lowering cholesterol without statins

Cholesterol is the hot topic of almost every other advertising you see. High cholesterol leads to the build up of plaque in the arteries which can then lead to clots, heart conditions and strokes. The pharmaceutical companies have addressed the high cholesterol concern of the Western World through the production of medication known as statins. While the medication may work to lower cholesterol levels, the side effects can cause other disorders that require even more medication. If you have a concern about lowering cholesterol without statins, there are alternatives that you can review.

Lowering Cholesterol Without Statins

High cholesterol can be caused by lifestyle, diet and heredity. If you have a family history of high cholesterol problems, you will probably have to be more aware of both lifestyle and diet to keep it in check. The first concern is diet and exercise. Yes, we hear it every day and from every possible avenue when talking about health. Exercise works because it requires energy. Energy uses the fats and sugars in the body. When you exercise, your liver increases the production of good cholesterol which basically offsets the bad cholesterol.

When the topic of diet comes around, we all look rather sheepish. In a western culture where fast food abounds, it’s almost impossible to escape it. Limiting the animal fat foods in the diet is a major step in keeping cholesterol down. Now don’t go eliminating it completely, because the body does need some. Just keep it to a minimum. Of course the opposite of that request is the recommendation to eat soluble fiber. The fiber binds cholesterol and actually helps to remove it from the body. There are plenty of tasty foods for fiber in fruits and vegetables.

Niacin is directly related to the metabolism process of the cells. If your niacin level is low, there is lipid accumulation, which is tied to the cholesterol level. Good quality niacin supplements can be found at your local health food store.

What few people know is that the pharmaceutical companies make the statin medications from red yeast rice! It limits the production of cholesterol. There have been quite a few studies done on various forms of red yeast rice and it is in the media news. Make sure that you get a good quality supplement. Read the label to ensure that it contains the higher quantity of the ingredient. Health food store consultants can assist you in your selection.

There are additional supplements on the market that contain combinations of red yeast rice policosanol (a type of sugar wax), inositol and guggal gum extract. Studies on these supplements have shown that, combined with a healthy diet they have excellent results in lowering the cholesterol.

None of the supplements should be added to your dietary regiment without first consulting your physician. There can be some medicinal interactions from any medication that you may be taking and the supplements themselves. You should never take cholesterol lowering supplements if you are already taking any statin or cholesterol lowering medication. Lowering cholesterol without statins does require a lifestyle and dietary change. Don’t expect them to be a miracle supplement if you haven’t changed anything else.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Lowering cholesterol without statins”

  1. 1
    patrick laney Says:
    Of course, instead of changing our fat-ridden diets, our culture has us taking extra things to lower cholesterol levels. But what really needs to change to lower cholesterol is what, how, and where we eat! Plus, regular exercise, which is much better than taking statins and continuing to sit on your butt stuffing your face with hydrogenated oil products like potato chips!
  2. 2
    patrick laney Says:
    Of course, instead of changing our fat-ridden diets, our culture has us taking extra things to lower cholesterol levels. But what really needs to change to lower cholesterol is what, how, and where we eat! Plus, regular exercise, which is much better than taking statins and continuing to sit on your butt stuffing your face with hydrogenated oil products like potato chips!