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Cholesterol lowering statins

Statins are medications that have been developed by the pharmaceutical industry to help in lowering cholesterol. Cholesterol problems occur when the bad cholesterol (LDL) rate is so high that a plaque builds up occurs in the arteries. This buildup lead to lack of circulation and potential heart attack or stroke. Cholesterol lowering statins may have their benefits, but not all people are candidates for statins.

Cholesterol Lowering Statins

Typically, your major medical professional will run a few tests and have you answer some questions before prescribing cholesterol lowering statins. Besides the blood work that will need to be done to validate what your cholesterol levels are, there are some other risk factors that your physician will want to know. The information will probably include: your overall general health condition and your lifestyle (active or inactive); if you smoke. You will need to make sure you inform your physician if you have a family history of high cholesterol or any possible cardiovascular disease that may run in the family. Other conditions of concern are age: 55 and over for males, 65 and over for females; if you are diabetic or overweight.

Long term effects of statins have not been studied, therefore there is little evidence or knowledge if cholesterol lowering statins have other effects which may cause other disorders to worsen or improve.

Your physician will advise you that if you will be taking statins, you will have to make some lifestyle changes. Eating a healthier diet combined with regular exercise is the first step. Quitting smoking is always advised. Losing weight and the reduction of alcohol use are also two important lifestyle adjustments.

Most people tolerate statins without any problems or side effects, however some have experienced joint or muscle aching, constipation or diarrhea and the potential for nausea. Higher dosages of Statins can enhance a process of muscle cell breakdown that releases a protein into the blood. This protein can affect the kidneys. Anyone that has liver or kidney problems will not be advised to take cholesterol lowering statins. The liver is the cleaning house of the body. All medications create conditions of high level stress on the liver. If the liver is not functioning well, the additional statins could cause added liver stress or failure. Since liver problems develop without any symptoms, blood work may have to be taken every six weeks or so for those that have been prescribed statins as part of the medication regiment.

You should always advise your primary physician about any and all medications, over the counter and integrative medicine you are taking. Medicinal interactions are very common and can have devastating effects.

If you are prescribed cholesterol lowering statins, and you are healthy enough to maintain the medication, you will probably be taking them for the rest of your life. There are a variety of brand name as well as generic formulas as well as dosages. Be sure to report any new or unusual symptoms that you may experience to your physician while taking statins.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Cholesterol lowering statins”

  1. 1
    aryan Says:
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