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How to Get Rid of Facial Scars – Methods of Facial Scar Treatment

If you have an unsightly scar on your face, you are probably feeling at least a little self-conscious, while asking the question ‘how to get rid of facial scars?’. But don’t despair! There is a variety things you can do. Most of your options are surgical, so if you are nervous about going under the knife, you will have to beat the fear in order to receive good facial scar treatment.

Depending on the type and severity of the scar you have, you should keep in mind that it could take you up to a year to fully recover. Another thing you should definitely take into account when looking for facial scar treatment is the person who will actually perform the procedure, i.e. your surgeon. This is your face we are talking about, and you wouldn’t want simple human error to make you look even worse! You surgeon should be experienced and someone you feel that you trust. Always ask for ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures of work that your surgeon has done.

So, now let’s get down to precisely answering the question ‘how to get rid of facial scars’:

Your first option for facial scar treatment is dermabrasion. This is also sometimes referred to as laser resurfacing, and this is a technique that makes “elevated” or “rough” scars less noticeable by literally smoothing them out. The way this is done is with a laser beam or an abrading tool, which removes the upper layers of the skin. This does not get rid of the scar entirely, but it will definitely look smoother and more blended in with the of the skin.

If you suffer from less serious scarring, like hypertropic or keloid scars, they may be taken care by steroid injections. If the injections fail to do the trick, then a minor surgical procedure may be required. If the stitches are done well, then these scars may disappear entirely from your face.

Another type of facial scar treatment is Z-plasty. This procedure entails physically moving one piece of scar tissue from one area of the body to another. Z-plasty won’t eliminate the scar’s appearance entirely, but it will certainly become much less visible. This is also sometimes referred to as a ‘graft’.

When your facial scar begins to heal after a surgical procedure, you may see something called ‘Keloid marks’. These are caused by the skin producing large amounts of collagen after the healing of the wound. This is nothing to get distressed about, keeping in mind that this is a normal healing process for the skin.

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The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.