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5 Best Vitamins and Supplements for Reducing Cholesterol

Its easy to get intimidated by all the vitamins and supplements staring you in the face in the health food store. Which vitamins reduce high cholesterol levels and protect you against heart disease. Below are five essential vitamins and supplements that will help lower cholesterol. Remember if you have serious cholesterol problems always consult a doctor.

Cholesterol Vitamins

1. Niacin (B-3)

Niacin is the perfect vitamin for raising your HDL (good cholesterol) levels. It works by clearing your body of excess LDL (bad cholesterol) through your liver. Niacin has been shown to raise your HDL by anywhere from 15 to 35 percent! You can get Niacin in your diet from dairy products, chicken, nuts and eggs to name a few. For those who have very low HDL levels despite a healthy diet there are many Niacin supplements available over the counter as well as by prescription from your doctor.

2. Fish Oil

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids which, much like Niacin, raise the HDL levels in your blood and lower triglyceride levels. Fish oil lowers cholesterol and protects against heart disease. Individuals taking between 2 and 4 grams of Fish Oil daily have average drop of 25 to 45 percent in their triglycerides. Eating fish loaded with omegas, such as Salmon and Tuna, are a great way to naturally get more omega-3s in your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids can be purchased over the counter or prescribed by a doctor as well.

3. Folic Acid

Folic acid rich food such as asparagus, broccoli and legumes provide a natural source for folic acid also known as Vitamin B-6. Folic acid lowers LDL and protects your bloods HDL levels. Most people do not get the recommended daily value of folic acid in their diet alone so make sure you take a multi-vitamin that has a sufficient amount of folic acid. If not, look for one that does or buy some folic acid over the counter.

4. Garlic

If you use a lot of garlic in your cooking than you might be okay. If not, consider adding a garlic supplement to your diet. It may sound odd, but research shows that you can by 10 to 20 percent from daily garlic supplementation. Half a gram a day can lower LDL levels without affecting your HDL. While research has not shown whether the cholesterol lowering affects are permanent, adding it to your daily supplementation can only help.

5. Vitamin B-12

B-12 is mostly found in meat, fish and dairy. While it is always a good idea to get B-12 naturally through whole meals, make sure you pick lean meat and low fat dairy products. Vitamin B-12 not only reduces cholesterol, but also fights against memory loss and strengthens your immune system. B-12 is extremely effective when taken along with folic acid and niacin.

For previous articles about cholesterol reducing vitamins and supplements click here.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “5 Best Vitamins and Supplements for Reducing Cholesterol”

  1. 1
    Craig Says:
    It says here that most people don't get enough folic acid in their diet. I am usually wary of taking those multivitamins, and I try to get all the necessary nutrients from the foods I eat. So, how much folic acid does one really need on a daily basis? (if taken from food)
  2. 2
    Craig Says:
    It says here that most people don't get enough folic acid in their diet. I am usually wary of taking those multivitamins, and I try to get all the necessary nutrients from the foods I eat. So, how much folic acid does one really need on a daily basis? (if taken from food)