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What Should I Look for in a Good Liposuction Doctor?

One thing that you should look for in a doctor is whether or not he or she has trained at a reputable US medical school. A large number of doctors train in exotic places. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they are not good doctors, but sometimes it is an indication that they had low grades, keeping them from getting into a US mainland medical school, something that is not that difficult to do. Also, look for proper residency training, which takes place in a hospital in which the doctor learns under the wing of other prominent doctors.

Liposuction Doctor

The most important thing to keep in mind when choosing a good liposuction doctor is to choose one who is certified and credentialed by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. If the doctor does not have this certification, they cannot legally practice or perform surgery. Always err on the side of caution, and ask your doctor if he or she is certified. This can also be established by contacting the Board.

It is also very important to ask if your doctor’s surgical facilities are accredited. The place where your liposuction procedure is to take place is almost as important as the surgeons themselves. Facilities need to be clean, accredited and completely equipped with everything necessary for your procedure to run smoothly.

In choosing a good liposuction doctor, you should know his or her previous patient experiences, your doctor’s experience with specific types of surgeries or the occurrence of complications, and anything else you feel is important to know, such as the liposuction prices.

The truth is that too many unqualified people are practicing liposuction and making unrealistic promises. So many cases of liposuction are NOT done correctly and the results can be horribly traumatic. In the wrong hands, laser liposuction can cause too much tissue disruption, which leads to deformity. These unfavorable results are very hard, if not impossible, to correct. Unqualified practitioners who produce these deformities are totally incapable of correcting their mistakes. What’s worse is that many patients are too ashamed to come forward. The best results are ALWAYS achieved during a first surgery done properly, not when trying to correct damage during a second surgery.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.