What Is Tumescent Liposuction?
Tumescent liposuction is a liposuction technique developed in 1985 by Doctor Jeffrey A. Klein, an MD., and dermatologist in California. Tumescent liposuction is now a common form of liposuction which is completed while under a local anesthesia. It involves pumping a solution of saline, a local anesthetic, and a vessel-constrictor to help minimize bleeding, below the skin in the area to be suctioned. The injected fluid then makes the area “tumescent”, or swollen, to make it easier to separate fatty tissues from other tissues. Suction is accomplished by inserting a cannula (a hollow tube-like instrument) under the skin.

Tumescent liposuction allows for excellent control, and a general anesthesia is not required, eliminating potential complications. The result is a sculpting of bulging areas into more attractive contours. Tumescent liposuction is an outpatient procedure, which greatly decreases the cost because you avoid a hospital stay. The patient remains awake during the liposuction procedure so the liposuction doctor can ask him or her to change positions allowing for better sculpting of the targeted areas.
Tumescent liposuction has an unbelievable safety profile, allowing surgeons to efficiently remove both deep and superficial excess layers of fat with very little discomfort, a much quicker recovery, and improved cosmetic results. Patients can expect to see fewer skin irregularities, less bleeding, and reduced bruising.
Tumescent liposuction has few significant side effects when performed by a qualified dermatologic surgeon. There may be minor complications such as skin irregularities, lumpiness, dimpling, numbness, loose skin, infections, and unpleasant scarring (which is rare).
Tumescent liposuction can safely remove undesired fat from nearly all body areas. It is also an effective treatment for certain non-cosmetic conditions such as lipomas, enlarged male and female breasts, and excessive underarm perspiration.
The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.