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Natural Methods for Arthritis Pain

Throughout the ages there have been those that suffer from arthritis. It is a painful disorder that can change your life. There have also been a myriad of natural remedies handed down from one generation to another. Some people swear by them, but do they really work? With all of the problems that occur in the pharmaceutical products, we are all searching for safe and healthy alternatives to taking meds every day. Most doctors do not support the fact that foods can affect the symptoms of arthritis. This includes causing or prevention of arthritis. There are, however, physicians that encourage meals that include fiber, nuts, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Here are some natural remedies, along with any negative effects that you might experience.


Hot Peppers, which also include cayenne, contain a natural substance capsaicin. This is one of nature’s analgesics and does reduce pain. There are pharmaceutical gels and pills that contain concentrated versions of capsaicin. It’s thought that the capsaicin actually works directly on the sensory nerves for pain reduction, thereby stopping the neurotransmitters from sending a pain signal from the joints to the brain. The consumption of hot peppers also releases endorphins, which is the hormone that the body releases to create well-being. Endorphins are the body’s natural pain killers. If you have digestive problems, you will probably want to re-think the intake of hot peppers and possibly opt for a cream or salve version. Always being on the low intake side and increase if needed. This is a temporary easement of pain and will be dependent upon your situation.

Raisins soaked in gin: A little known fact is that the flavor source for gin is from the juniper berry, which contains the anti-inflammatory terpinen. Raisins contain ferulic and salicylic acids which are also natural pain relievers. Gin-soaked raisins have been one of the historic natural remedies for arthritis for generations. The way most people prepare them is to use golden raisins and place in a bowl. Pour just enough gin on the raisins to cover them and then allow the gin to evaporate. This should take about a week. Be careful not to let the raisins completely dry out. The rule-of-thumb on consumption is about 8-9 of the raisins each day. Do not use this if you have any problems with substance or alcohol abuse.

Grandma’s Cider vinegar: My grandmother and her friends swore by cider vinegar, even though they didn’t know that the vinegar actually dissolves the hardened deposits from the joints. Cider vinegar will help in the situation where the deposits exist, but not if the joints are worn away. Apple cider vinegar is a healthy way to balance the acid-alkaline in the body and plays a major role in acid crystal dispersion. It’s the acid crystals that build up in the joints and cause the pain from osteoarthritis. Cider vinegar is a natural diuretic and can control blood pressure. This is not an alternative choice if you are on any kind of blood pressure medication or current diuretics. It also may not work with arthritis in its severest form. The usual amount is about 2 teaspoons in an 8 oz glass of water. As long as you aren’t a diabetic, you can add some honey to make it taste better. Drinking it three to four times per day. Something to note, some people can carry the vinegar sent, but this usually rinses away in the bath or shower.

Tart cherries: The best choices are the Montmorency or tart cherries as they have been shown in scientific studies to reduce and pain. The cherries are high in anthocyanins, which is a powerful anti-oxidant and controls inflammation. The study results recommended tart cherries for those that have moderate to mild osteoarthritis. You can purchase a supplement that is made from tart cherries. You can also just eat them by the handfuls every day. The best health stores also carry naturally made tart cherry juice, both concentrated and non-concentrated. 100 mg of anthocyanin consumption per day is the recommended amount.

Plain old pectin: Yes, this is the same pectin Grandma used to make the jellies and jams thicken up. It’s actually made from a plant fiber, mostly of various citrus fruits. Pectin is known to assist in lowering cholesterol levels and to reduce arthritis inflammation and pain. The doctors don’t know how it works; they just know that many patients report that their symptoms have been eased by the intake of pectin. Pectin is normally found in powder form and you can either add it directly to food or mix it up in a drink. Consumption is recommended for 1-2 times per day. It may take from one to three weeks for you to notice any effect.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.