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Pregnancy Skin Care Important Before, During and After Stages

Pregnancy Skin Care

  • Stretch marks are caused by a sudden increase in the size of skin, such as when a woman’s belly grows at a substantial rate during pregnancy, and their appearance is usually considered ghastly, so stretch mark removal is important
  • How do you remove stretch marks? You can either prevent them before they crop up or use certain creams like stretch mark removal cream or go the surgery route to remove them after they appear

Being pregnant can be one of the best times of your life and at the same time, one of the most difficult. You may face morning sickness, bloating, constipation, moodiness, and tiredness. With all of those issues, you may think skin care would be one of the least important things on your mind, though, actually, it can be very important throughout pregnancy.

Before Pregnancy Skin Care

Prior to getting pregnant, you should establish a healthy skin care routine that can be continued throughout the nine months you will be expecting. Discovery Health and American Baby provide a number of tips that can help you do exactly that. When it comes to cleansing your skin, you should typically steer clear of anything glycerin-based. Look for more natural products. Remember to keep using moisturizers and a sunscreen of at least SPF 15. If you don’t use sunscreen, the increased female hormone levels could cause skin discoloration during pregnancy. Start looking for makeup that will be easy to use and that will also contribute positively to the overall health of your skin. Now would be a good time to avoid any chemicals that could have questionable affects on your health.

During Pregnancy Skin Care

Many moms-to-be who already have oily skin will find that this problem gets worse during pregnancy. To prevent acne during pregnancy and the overall oily skin feeling without over-drying, you might want to look for products that contain witch hazel or alpha hydroxy acids. According to WebMD.com, you should avoid using certain chemical ingredients to treat your skin, including benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and retinoids.

Another issue that can appear during pregnancy is known as polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (PEP). The first sign is an itchy rash on the abdomen around the third trimester of pregnancy. According to the British Association of Dermatologists, the cause for PEP is not known, but physicians do know that the itching is followed by the development of rashes, raised lumps, inflamed areas, and hive-like marks. Unfortunately, this condition can spread over your body. Thankfully, the condition normally disappears when you are near the end of the pregnancy or after delivery. Topical steroid creams are commonly prescribed for the of mild cases.

The American Academy of Dermatology also explains another skin condition common during pregnancy: melasma. What happens with this condition is that too much melanin ends up being produced by the body and causes dark spots to appear, primarily on the face. To prevent this from occurring or worsening, apply a sunscreen of at least an SPF 15 when you spend any time in the sun.

After Pregnancy Skin Care

The biggest skin care issue for women after the birth of a baby is stretch marks prevention. Only 10 percent of women escape these unsightly reminders of their pregnancy. If you want to keep the marks from being too visible, the best idea is to keep the areas moisturized. This actually keeps them looking full and prevents them from itching. If you apply sunless tanning products to the areas, you can also reduce their appearance. You might also want to consider prescription creams, such as tretinoin, or laser treatments to reduce or remove the stretch marks permanently.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

4 Responses to “Pregnancy Skin Care Important Before, During and After Stages”

  1. 1
    par r Says:
    I was given the Made from Earth "Aloe & Jojoba Nut Therapy" first by a friend from England as she had had lots of success with her stretch marks. At the time I didn't use it but then I got pregnant and of course those stretch marks started to arrive. I loved the feel of the lotion on my skin and found that it really helped in reducing the itching while my body was stretch into forms I knew not. I do have minor stretch marks but I feel the lotion kept them down and also helped my skin deal with the pregnancy. I have also found that when I have a cold it was a great product to dab on my nose and stopped it from drying out. I love this product and now always have a bottle near by. It is 4 months since I gave birth to my son and I have been using the Aloe & jojoba therapy (from the MADE FROM EARTH skincare line) on my stretch marks almost every day. I have found my stretch marks look a lot better. I used to have some on my side - but those are now gone! I see a difference between that one that has not received any Made from Earth Aloe Jojoba in the sense it is a lot redder than the others. Very recommended for women looking for a treatment to use while pregnant - plus is 100% chemical free and tested.
  2. 2
    manvendra Says:
    your all instruction and process was excellant but you should also shown som kind of teatment after pregnacy
  3. 3
    paula quils Says:
    Hello Ladies, I would just like to remind all the ladies out there, that yes, we all want to avoid chemicals in our food, milk and our household while being pregnant. It is very important. I also want to remind everyone that there are a lot of chemicals in skincare today, and pregnant women should only use chemical free or Organic face creams. Your skin is an organ - that you are sharing with your unborn child. Any chemicals applied to your skin will feed the growth of your child. And please do your research on the internet regarding chemicals in skin care products. My personal recommendation, is the Made from Earth product line. They are completely chemical free and organic, and their products have a shelf life of 6 months, because they are not presevred with chemicals, but they do use quality ingredients. I used their 3 Berry Face Serum while I was pregnant, and its a great face cream I highly recommend. Best of luck to everyone!
  4. 4
    jilly_bean Says:
    Any type of lotion rubbed on your skin during pregnancy will help keep it moisturized and soft. And if you can get your spouse to help rub it in, all the better.