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7 Interesting Facts about Raynaud’s Disease

One of the many conditions that affect circulation, especially in your hands and feet is Raynaud’s Disease. It was named after the French doctor Maurice Raynaud who identified this condition and brought it into the public sphere. Raynaud’s disease affects certain areas of the body such as the tip of your nose and ears as well hands and feet. The disease affects smaller blood vessels causing them to constrict and limiting circulation to those areas. Symptoms include cold fingers and toes, changes in skin color (pale or blue) and numbness in your extremities. If you experience any of these symptoms be sure to visit a doctor. While the origin of the disease is still not completely understood by doctor, below are seven interesting facts about the causes, risk factors and treatments for Raynaud’s disease.

1.Cold Temperatures can cause Raynaud’s Disease

While everyone experiences a decrease in blood flow in their circulatory system in cold weather, individuals with Raynaud’s Disease have a greater response to cold. In fact, even holding a cold beverage can change the skin color on the tips of your fingers!

2.Primary Raynaud’s is More Common Than Secondary Raynaud’s

Primary Raynaud’s occurs without an underlying disease. Secondary Raynaud’s, on the other hand (no pun intended), usually appears later in life and can triggered by various conditions such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, and other artery diseases. Lifestyle choices such as smoking or even your work, such as occupations that handle vibrating equipment like construction, can even trigger Raynaud’s. This is a more serious form of the disease.

3.Primary Raynaud’s Disease Affects Women More Than Men

It is especially affects women between the ages of 15 and 30, and as one would assume, it affects women in colder climates more than those that live in warmer climates.

4.Family History Matters

Over 30% of individuals with primary Raynaud’s Disease have an immediate family member with the condition.

5.Certain Medications Can Aggravate the Condition

Over the counter with pseudoephedrine as well as beta blockers and even birth control can increase your attacks from Raynaud’s Disease.

6.Warm Water Can Quell an Attack

If you experience an attack you can put your hands and feet under warm water to alleviate the attack. Other strategies are to move your hands and feet to increase blood flow and to rub them where they are sore to help with circulation.

7.Niacin Can Increase Blood Flow

If you suffer from Raynaud’s Disease try taking some Niacin, also known as Vitamin B-3, to dilate your blood vessels and increase blood flow.

Raynaud’s Disease should be taken seriously and you should take every precaution possible to prevent attacks. Dress properly when outside and always wear gloves and wool socks to insulate your hands and feet. Make sure the heater is running when you are inside during cold winter days. Prevention is your best defense.

For more information on poor circulation in your hands and feet click here.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “7 Interesting Facts about Raynaud’s Disease”

  1. 1
    Rayleen Says:
    I often get really cold hands and feet, but my skin doesn't go blue. Is there a chance that I have Raynaud's disease or is it something different? My feet can go cold even in warm temperatures, all they need is a few seconds on cold tile floor.