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Solar stocks have soared from 2010 to now – part 2

Another company is Evergreen Solar, but this company is bound by fears of bankruptcy. The company will be de-listed from the Nasdaq if its share price does not climb for more than 10 consecutive to at least $1 by the end of the year.

These two U.S. solar stocks demonstrate the variety of solar stories, from a company which “will surely have another great quarter,” to a company which is “bound by strong fears about impending de-listing and even bankruptcy.”

Overall, however, the next several quarters are very likely to be extremely strong in terms of demand and probably margin. The solar stocks have had a big run partly because of the massive demand in 2010, and now they are going to be heavily influenced by the 2011 demand picture. The more bullish investors involved in the are looking for a 15-25% MW growth in 2011 and around 10% price cuts for the year, which would still allow the top cost reducers to have good margins.

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