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The 5 big lies about Universal Health Care in the United States – Part 2

Lie 4: The health care problems are being solved and they are better solved by private care because it is most efficient.

Private corporations are probably the least efficient health care deliverers. 20 to 30 percent of premiums are spent on administration and profit. Compare this with the public sector where only 3 percent is spent on administration. The U.S. health care costs grew more than any other industrialized country with a universal health care system in the period from 1990 to 1996. Private, for-profit corporations are unable to solve the problems of U.S. health care because medical help is not a commodity to be shopped around for. Hence, the care quality always has to be compromised because corporations are always looking to save money and to do this they need to either deny care or reduce provider costs.

Lie 5: Universal health care in America would be like socialized medicine.
Universal health care in the United States would not be socialized medicine. It is not a health care delivery system, but a health care payment system. It would entail a fee for service practice for health care providers, who would not be government employees like in socialized medicine. This can be compared to the public funding of education or the defense industry, which does not make it socialized education or socialized defense.

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