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How Dental Implants Work

Have you ever wondered how dental implants work? These implants are types of cosmetic dentistry, and they can help you reverse tooth decay and damage that has occurred. Understanding how dental implants work can help you get a beautiful smile back even if you have lost most of your teeth or you have serious decay issues. These implants allow any missing or damaged teeth to be replaced, and they are a permanent option which is as secure as your teeth. The implant is placed into your jawbone surgically, and this may be done in the office. Once the implant is placed there is a four month wait while it grafts and grows into the bone of your jaw. After the wait period you will have a second minor surgery which generally only requires a local anesthesia, and during this process. The post is attached to the implant in your jaw, and this can support either a single tooth or a set.

How Dental Implants Work

Knowing how dental implants work can help you determine if this is one of the types of cosmetic dentistry for you. If you need to reverse tooth decay or replace damaged and missing teeth, you may be a good candidate for this procedure. The final step with this procedure is called the restorative phase. During this part your dentist will make impressions of your mouth and existing teeth, and then the prosthesis will be secured to the post and the implant. This can take a number of visits. The result is a smile that is beautiful, no matter what condition your teeth are in before you start.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.